Online Spanish tutoring


Learn Spanish online with our professional Spanish tutoring services

Free Spanish Class

Start with a free 20-min trial lesson in Spanish

Get to know your native Spanish tutor
Discuss your goals with your tutor
Experience tutor’s teaching style and class dynamics
Standard Castilian Spanish and Andalusian Spanish
No commitment required!

Private Spanish Class

Commit to one on one Spanish classes

50 minute-sessions
Packages of 5, 10 or 15 lessons
Completely tailored teaching to your needs
Personalized attention
Standard Castilian Spanish and Andalusian Spanish
Special prices for purchasing larger hour packages

Group Spanish Class

Participate in small group workshops to practice Spanish.

Two one-and-a-half hour sessions per week
Dynamic, interactive, and engaging classes
Active participation from all group members
Standard Castilian Spanish and Andalusian Spanish
Highly reduced price per hour

Meet your native Spanish tutor

🔸 Experienced native Spanish tutor – Over 5 years of experience teaching Spanish online to adults.

🔸 Qualified in Spanish language teaching – Graduated in Translation and Interpretation (English and Italian) and certified to teach Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) by the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.

🔸 Passionate about language learning – As someone who speaks English, Italian, and French fluently, I understand how challenging and rewarding learning a new language can be. My mission is to help you speak Spanish with confidence and ease.

🔸 Engaging methodology – I explain grammar with games and interactive activities to make learning easier and more fun.

🔸 Focus on real communication – Whether you’re starting from scratch or want to take your Spanish to the next level, my focus is on practical communication skills that you can use right away.

🔸 Committed to your success – I put my best effort into every class, always creating a motivating and fun learning environment.

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